Here's the photos from the last shoot. Thanks to this crew for making this a fun shoot and showing their support for the cause!

Steven Tabimba
Marriage; most people have there own definitions and promises to one another. No matter what, true love is what defines the bond between man and woman, woman and woman, and man and man. I support gay marriage because I believe everyone is entiled to love, marriage and happiness. After all, it is what we all live for.

Ronald Herrera
Whether marriage is between a man and a man, two woman or a man and a woman, marriage is a symbol of how much a couple loves each other. No one has ever doubted the love of a hetrosexual couple, so why doubt the love of a gay/lesbian couple? I strongly support NJ Equality because one day I will fall in love, and if marriage becomes an option, I would like to be able to take that option and share my love with my partner without the law telling me otherwise. Love should equal, Equailty everywhere...

Jessenia Vice
Making a difference has been my lifelong goal, whether big or small. When I came across Michael's NJEQ project, I knew I had to be a part of it! Love is love regardless of ethnicity, religion AND gender. If two people of the same sex want to legalize their bond through marriage, they should be given the same rights heterosexual couples have. I joined NJEQ to help in the silent protest and show people that it's okay to stand up for what we believe in.

How can there be laws for LOVE? Love and marriage is shared between two people no matter what their gender is. I strongly support NJ Equality because every single person has the right to fall in love with whomever they please.
I support gay marriage because every indiviual has the right to feel attraction, love and affection to someone of the same sex. I don't think it is done to be shallow or uncommitted, it is not for fun, it is being in a forever lasting partnership with your companion. I've witnessed a true relationship and you can't stop loving someone who is your best friend, mate or love because they aren't of the opposite sex. You shouldn't judge, always respect and accept people on their views or actions.
Thank you for all that you have done for the GAY community world wide!!! Steven Tabimba!