Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Coming up this Monday, October 11 (Columbus Day) is a special NJEQ photo shoot I will be doing at my East Orange studio. After the recent teen suicides, I got a message from Will Love (who covered our recent art show "Equality") who suggested I do a shoot and donate a portion of the money to the family of Tyler Clementi. Tyler took his own life after his roommate and next-door accomplice recorded Tyler having sex and then put it out on Twitter. It will be $25 per person with $10 going to the family.
While the internet has been great for so many things like re-connecting people, news, etc., some people have lost their sense of what's appropriate to put out for the world to see and what's not. I look at Facebook, which has reconnected me to many old friends and connected me to new, and see so many things posted (from people I wouldn't expect it from) that I think they should think twice about before hitting the send button. Hopefully people will start thinking more clearly and parents will start becoming more aware of what their children are doing and saying on these websites.
I started thinking that New Jersey Equality means much more than just the fight for marriage equality. It's a fight for equality in every aspect. There obviously needs to be more support and acceptance for young people who are able to come to terms with who they are at a young age. I hope these photos and statements here on my blog by people from different backgrounds, religions, etc. will be of some sort of help to those struggling to come out. So if anyone knows someone having problems with acceptance, send them here to see some of the people that accept them for who they are!

Keep on the lookout, I start posting photos from the recent Paradise event very soon! I will also be back at Paradise, October 15 starting at 8:30, during the Mr. & Mrs. Leather 2011 contest. For this event I will have a black background and request that people wear something black-t-shirt, tank or leather. This should be a lot of fun, come on out and see me.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this now. I'm so proud of you for not only speaking up, but for being proactive. You truly are a remarkable individual. :-)
